You people are boring. Putting in some different windows. I did it wrong after I added the water. You must help me and please bring me the red pages from the book. Mixing the soda with the gas. A one way ticket for the store. Homesick traveler needs his stuff from home. Mixing the soda with the chips and now they are ruined. A place to sober up in the charter. Just want to be able to touch things. Tell me what https means for the website. I got a warm feeling. Customer wants to give you hug. Taking both feet off the ground is illegal. I need to park there. Trying to find a dog at this hour. Not happy about having gas and taking coupons from the guy in the parking lot. Overseas from Connecticut.
I am just doing some stunt driving. There is somebody in the parking lot. Flammable gas. Gas weight. Buy a bucket of gas. The manager says you can kiss the employees. Watch you watch people kiss. Pay the tariff. Solve some crime. Stop distracting me. Wrestling in the parking lot. Using our hands on each other. Employees kissing.
Character swap. Shot himself in the foot. I want to thank all of the employees. I was trying to shoot the chicken. Minimum distance for shooting a gun near gasoline. The knobs were turned wrong. It is much better if you get it sweet style. I muscled my way into a vehicle and they will not take me back to the station. I might have locked myself in a trunk. There is no alert style. I need to release these mice by the store. I am the guy. Doing gas experiments and I need a refund because I said it is not safe and I am the guy. I want to get in there and beat it with a hammer. Push beyond the reality of your store and help me character swap. Swapping out the gas and running fifty-fifty. The doors are not on the urinals. I want to do like a water hose at the station. The gas is causing dehydration.
My hands hurt when I put gasoline on them. I put gasoline on it. I did not wash my hands after getting gas. Contact the point of sale. Medically fine with a freak thing. One of these fingers has to come off. Fingers might have come off in the parking lot from the car door. Low riding onion booty butt. You sound like nice feet. Eye contact with their fingers with another customer. Use your printer please. I am going to be selling them your gas. Need to charge for an hour. Let me pick you up a burrito. No experiment. Issues and questions about you and I just want to understand it. I fell out of a car. Please keep a secret. The gasoline is not mixing well with the milk. Milk is probably good for you.
Adult hide and seek. The pins look like they are held together with tape. Third-party pin tape. Everything is painted. The bowling oil got my dog high. Try a dab of lane oil on the tongue. Paying to wear combat boots for bowling. Oil is for external use only. Bags of oil. Too loud to bowl. I fall asleep every time I am in there. Putting lane oil in a car. I put engine oil on my bowling ball. Bowling ball core change. Cooking with lane oil. Morally moral and stuff. A place to smoke a joint. This is a state of the art bowling alley. Jumping some cars out in the parking lot.
Authorization to do spaghetti. Build the spaghetti. I am not going to screw around with toilet paper and just jump in the shower instead. Rub on the floor like a dog. I paid my phone bill and your phone number is on my account. Third party charge to the room. Hotel cooking. The passing percentage grade for the hotel. Third party counting. Paying damage charge and fines for damaging your own property. You look cute expect for the eyebrows. I would like to see your pictures you have online. Dumpster hiding. I need to plug in multiple microwaves in the room. Taking calls from prisons. Bring some little guys into the hotel. Sometimes they say I sound like a dumpster. I was trying to put on that power suit to become a wicked demon. Innocent until proven guilty.
Official Hotel New Years Party. We want to bring New Years Stones and Rocks to the party. Pissants and poopants up on the second and third floors. I might need to hit somebody with some baking soda. I need some baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano for New Years. I need some Papier-mâché. It is my turn to do some parking lot driving. I need to do some burnouts in the parking lot. I need to use up the rest of my tires. I am trying to have a small car accident in the parking lot. I want to do the virtual arcade and ready to login. Please disable the screensaver for the room. I never got my hotel points on my car. The light socket shocks my finger even when the light is turned off. I was touching the base of the lamp in the room. Vertical bar. They did not pay my girlfriend. Your phone number looks weird. Calling some jerk and the wall is not ever there. There is a sign on the bathroom and I do not like the font. I peed in the sink. I need to file a maintenance slip because it smells like mouse call and they must be in heat. I am checking ID of the other guests and they will not show me their ID. The TV remote melted. There is a donkey stick smell in the end of the hotel. Practice driving fast in the parking lot. We need to do some regular wheelies in the parking lot. My finger fits here where it is round and smooth. My food goose got away and it is not domesticated. Tell me what happens at midnight. I need to bring in a kiddie pool for my wife to have a baby. Potato pranks. Just some practice delivering babies in the parking lot. Hopefully we can bring in some New Years Fish. I just need a passing grade for the hotel. Service mouse cat. Too many service animals. Service bird. We just wanna jump some cars in the parking lot. There is all kinds of noise outside tonight. I did my business in a napkin but I lost the napkin and I cannot find it. A chair and WiFi for the elevator. All the food is expired now. The guy starts to sing to us. I need to find the handsome man. I am trying to sleep in my car and you guys are too noisy for my dog. I need permission to kick the man on the floor so we can go to breakfast. We took the TV apart to find the listening device. I lost a bunch of blood bags from work. Not close to the river. The van is gone. Testing my limits and rules for feeding the other guests. I found some car keys out in the parking lot. I put some metal pieces in some of the outlets. The guy from the bushes. One of the employees left their wallet in my car.
I cannot smell. Please smell me and tell me if I smell. Wash in the industrial washer. WiFi in the elevator. Need to bring a chair into the elevator for sitting. Somebody says I smell like COVID. Come look at it. Nobody has flushed my toilet. Figuring out the room number. This looks and tastes funny. Order it with extra smell. I need a shirt that smells like fast food. Spend extra time with my meal. The burger does not look realistic. Burger fire in the microwave insurance swap. Taking a picture with it on the toilet. Food delivery to the elevator. They are mad because I pooped in the hallway. Found some bowling alley keys. The bowling discount. I lost my hamburger bowling. The proctologist is running late and never board with the internet. Vending machine. Toilet burger pictures.
Tell me how you feel about your CEO. Bathroom light. Kick your puppy boss. I keep hearing a beep. Jam the cars together. Checking your satisfaction level with your CEO. Tell me if you are upset with your manager. Tell me the truth about your WiFi. Found some keys out in the parking lot.
Sounding a personal siren. Flashing lights on the property. You have the best rotisserie chicken in town. Bringing some live lobsters back to the hotel. Doing some parking lot driving. Push the button siren test. Found some keys out in the parking lot for the coffee shop. Shut the beeping down. Scan the hotel key for me please. Knocking on their windows from outside to get their attention. Skipped a step. Move on. Toilet stash. Somebody broke the glass. My conference room. Propane powered alarm clock. Several thousand bandages. Ball of band-aids.